
Greek Salad

Make the dressing first, combining ingredients in the salad serving bowl. Add salad ingredients to the bowl as they are chopped.

A Greek salad does not contain lettuce traditionally but I like to make it with Butter or Bibb lettuce, and lots of it.


Dressing is a personal thing. I like different ratios of oil:vinegar for different salads. This one is pretty tart - add more oil, up to about 5 T for the combined 2T of acid (vinegar plus lemon juice).


I've been enjoying the light Feta from Trader Joes - great flavor and texture from a lower fat cheese. Feta's saltiness and flavor enable it to be used in moderation.

The Dressing

Combine in a large salad bowl:

  • 1 T red wine vinegar

  • 1 T lemon juice

  • 3 T olive oil

  • zest of one lemon

  • pinch cayenne pepper

  • 1 t fresh Greek oregano, finely chopped

  • 1 t fresh mint, finely chopped

  • Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper

The Salad

Chop items in this order, adding tomatoes and lettuce to the bowl last.

  • ½ red onion, thinly sliced

  • ½ red bell pepper, thinly sliced

  • ½ hothouse cucumber, halved, seeded and sliced

  • Kalamata olives

  • 1 ounce Feta, crumbled

  • 2 heads Butter or bibb lettuce (use 3-4 Bibb heads if they're especially tiny)

  • 2-3 ripe tomatoe, quartered

copyright 2008-2014 Katie Fairbank